Stories and articles about Moscow escort life

Sex with Russian escort service models

Sex with Russia escort service modelsIgor, the stuntman, 34 years:
– All – a trick. For the majority of womensearch in the man or the husband, or the defender and the patron. At last, the fatal lover, capable to withdraw it from the Russian escort world of the daily ordinary. It depends on that is married it or not.
Therefore, getting acquainted with the next lady who has attracted to me, I start to address at once with it as with the child, playing thus a role of the solid, strong man, capable to become its patron.
Simply I get into the role Mikki Rourke from a film “Wild orchid”. A sliding sight, the quiet smile, a confident voice … All so is simple! It is necessary to watch changes in behaviour of the Russian escort girlfriend constantly only. The continuous sight, the expanded pupils – all tells it about genuine interest to your person.

My favourite reception isyou. It means that it already “goes” for you and it is time to conduct it in the necessary direction …
Here it is already possible to use the psychological receptions directed on strengthening of its erotic experiences. The main thing – to represent, as your desire is transferred to the Russian escort partner. I mentally iron it, I embrace, whole. I mentally cause in myself a bright erotic picture and this inwardness I transfer to it. I weigh – continuous desire. In a word, I inspire that the affinity is inevitable. But never thus I speak about the last sexual experience is does not say goodbye.

There are receptions is more thin: use of paradoxical behaviour. Escort agency will admit, I play a role of the cool guy and there and then I read it sentimental verses. She in any way will not understand, who I actually – the gangster or the poet. Here to you and interest! Sometimes also I alter technics: I invite the Russian escort lady to dance, I bear any romantic nonsense, and then with a serious kind I quote Borches’s philosophical prose. And at this time my hand gets to it under a skirt …
The comment
Certainly, is better happy to be born. But it not always is possible. escort life – the villain, destiny – a turkey! The happiness is measured on a drop as a precious elixir, and to feel its taste on a language tip it is allowed only to the elite. So many think.

Whether but so it actually?
Women and would like to give advice: “Lovely Russian escort ladies! Do not lose a head because of men – regret at least a hairdress!”
Yes, any escort Russia woman always wants to rule over the man, but not always can and is able. It becomes much more often the hostage of own attachment. “I” also pay off for it with loss of health, self-esteem, prestige, money, at last, simply loss own. And how many suicides occur on love soil!
Love art is an art of bringing of pleasure. The pleasure collects, remains and works on love strengthening. Know, than happy lovely model Margo differ from the unhappy?

Happy promise happiness, and unhappy wait for it.
And after all it so is simple – to try a key to any man! Become the heroine of its imaginations – and you will get to “apple”! Love, love – feelings irrational, their sources are hidden in subconsciousness of the escorts Moscow females where original films about all its erotic desires are constantly scrolled.

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